How to Avoid Learning Overload

Absorbing new information requires time, dedication, and energy. They have to integrate the incoming details with their pre-existing knowledge. Plus, they have to figure out how to use the new information in a real-world way, and that can be challenging.

As the learner moves through the training, they can easily experience learning overload. When this happens, they have trouble retaining the new knowledge or finding ways to use it. Their stress levels can also rise, and their productivity may fall.

Luckily, learning overload can be avoided. If you want to help your team manage the training process, here are some tips.

Embrace Microlearning

When it comes to metering how much new information is being presented at once, it’s hard to beat microlearning. This training approach focuses on taking complex topics and breaking them down into their smallest parts. Then, it only presents one concept at a time, usually in a complete but concise, standalone module.

With microlearning, the employee is concentrating on a single idea at a time. Plus, since the modules tend to be brief, it’s easy to squeeze in during moments when the worker feels the most capable. The shorter design also makes it simple to take breaks between each topic, encouraging learners to pause for a moment before moving on.

Create Reasonable Timeline

A little bit of stress can help learners flourish. However, if you put an unrealistic timeline on the training program, that’s not a little stressful; it’s overwhelming.

While you can certainly set a training deadline, make sure it is reasonable. Encourage them to move forward at a good pace, but make room for breaks and for handing the rest of their workload. Otherwise, they’ll have to cram the modules into their day and move forward even if they don’t fully grip each topic, and that isn’t ideal for knowledge retention.

Use Design Elements Wisely

Adding images and videos to your training can be great for enhancing retention. But, if every screen of the eLearning module features animated emojis, flashing words, and autoplay gifs, the environment chaotic. That actually increases stress instead of promoting engagement.

While you can use those elements, keep the number reasonable. And make sure that nothing starts moving or flashing unprompted whenever possible.

Are You Looking for L&D Talent Who Can Help You Reach Your Training Design Goals?

Ultimately, all of the tips above can allow you to help your team avoid learning overload. If you need to revamp your training to ensure it’s optimized, the team at Clarity Consultants wants to hear from you. We have over 25 years of experience in the L&D field, and, when you partner with Clarity, you gain access to L&D talent search allies who can assist you with identifying the L&D candidates you need. If you want to secure L&D pros who can ensure your training isn’t overwhelming, the staff at Clarity Consultants can streamline that process. Contact us to discover more about our unique and comprehensive services, and see how our L&D expertise can benefit you.

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For over 30 years, we’ve managed projects touching every element of learning and talent development.